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We have passion for our clients brand,we know that consumers buy brands, not products

Also known as Out - Of – Home (OOH) Advertising, Outdoor advertising is any advertising done outdoors that publicizes your business's products and services.

Types of outdoor advertising include billboards, bus benches, interiors and exteriors of buses, taxis and business vehicles, and signage posted on the exterior of your own brick-and-mortar location.



  • Unipoles are large-format billboards that are placed on top of very high single poles.
  • Their effectiveness is proven to show significant results because of their long distance visibility.
  • The distinguishable rectangular shape of a unipole gives advertisers the opportunity to be creative and to enhance the content of their message.

USP’s of UNIPOLES offered by Graceful:

  • Guarantee exposure from long distances
  • Sustainable during high temperatures
  • Excellent visibility both night and day
  • These unipoles are either front-lit or back-lit and are situated in the best locations all over the city, to catch the eye of thousands of passersby, daily.


  • A “Gantry billboard” means a billboard fixed to an overhead structure, usually with a leg (base) on each side of a road.
  • It is a double-sided structure.

USP’s of Gantries offered by Graceful:

  1. Being a double-sided structure, it offers the advertiser the option of advertising to either/both side of the traffic.
  2. Gantry as a medium of advertising is highly advantageous because it attracts the attention of your potential buyer that too within a span of few seconds.
  3. Gantries may also display useful directional information and hence they are difficult to miss!
  4. They deliver high impact and allow for an effective long term presence in the market due to their prominent positioning and large display size.


  • Pylons, in advertising refer to the tower- like or pillar- like structures set up in the road-sides and/or dividers.
  • These structures play a very efficient role in displaying ads as it attracts people and the potential customers passing by, without disturbing the traffic flow.
  • Pylons can be of different shapes and sizes and open to innovative designs.

USP’s of Pylons offered by Graceful:

  • The locations of our pylons are marked as the prime locations of the town that caters most number of the audience.
  • These Pylons have been positioned at a level as to catch the eye of all passersby.
  • Many of these locations hardly have any other display medium. This leads to a win-win situation where the ads displayed on these pylons have lesser or no competitions as the audience doesn’t get distracted.
  • Since billboards are generally placed along motorways and busy streets, you have the advantage of your advert being seen involuntarily.


  • Pole Kiosk Advertising comprises of putting up small and compact advertising billboards on electric poles, back to back in a row on major city roads.
  • These small but prominent pole kiosk billboards attract wandering eyes of large number of people passing through these roads. Their eyes come and rest on these boards because of their attractiveness and hence they become a very effective medium to draw attention and create an ever-lasting impression on the mind space of movers on the roads.
  • Placed at such strategic positions, our pole kiosks are and on such important locations that they just cannot go unnoticed.
  • The presence of these pole kiosk billboards is capable of drawing the undivided attention of passers-by. If properly mixed the pole selections and kiosk creations can do wonders to promote brand awareness.

USP’s of Kiosks offered by Graceful:

  1. The biggest advantage of launching an ad campaign through pole kiosks is that it provides good brand recall on customers’ mind space through repeated exposure of the brand message
  2. The repeated exposure plays a vital role in hammering the Brand again and again even when the audience is on the go.
  3. As an outdoor advertising media pole kiosks offer clutter-free, effective and impactful promotion solutions for various products, services and brands.


  • Also known as Square Branding or Junction branding
  • Placed at prominent squares of the city, on and around traffic signals.
  • These are slightly similar to pole kiosks, mostly in the form of lollipops.

USP’s of Junctions offered by Graceful:

    1. Junction Branding allows advertisers to be visible on the go and at traffic stoppages as well.
    2. These are placed strategically very close to traffic signals, making them difficult to miss from the eyes of the audience.
    3. The ads displayed through this medium seem to be visible all around and frequently on that particular spot that helps in brand hammering efficiently.


  • Outdoor advertising through traffic booths are an extremely modern way of building brands by giving them maximum visibility.
  • Traffic booths are mostly lit, but can also be non-lit according to their location.
  • In this format, the four sides as well as the roof of the cubicles are all used for placing advertisements and their strategic road-side placements ensure definite absorption of the messages by the commuters during traffic signals.








  • Widely seen in the rural areas advertising wall painting is the most effective and durable mode of outdoor advertisement.
  • It is a strong alternative to the billboards/ hoardings and used in such places where there is no option of using hoarding.







    • Bus shelter ads are placed on heavily traveled streets with lots of potential audience on the sidewalks and in cars.
    • The frequency of bus stops in many city areas allows an advertiser to place a message repeatedly along heavily commuted roadways.
    • For areas that do not have billboards as an advertising option, transit shelter advertising will often be an excellent alternative.
    • Bus shelter advertising uses large interior and exterior display areas that are illuminated at night for excellent visibility.